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Kings Heath Values

We believe the Kings Heath Values are an integral part of our school, these core values are the cornerstone on which we build our vision and underpin all that we do.

Students are rewarded for showing each value in lessons through our rewards system. Students get the opportunity to reflect on their core value achievements and set targets for their character development based on the three Kings Heath Values.


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Belonging as a school value means creating an environment where every student feels accepted, respected, and connected. It is about building a community where diversity is celebrated, and every individual’s contribution is valued.

By embedding belonging into our school culture, we ensure that all students have the foundation they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Here’s why belonging is a fundamental value for our school: belonging creates an inclusive school where every student, regardless of background, feels welcome and valued. It encourages diversity and ensures that all voices are heard. When students feel they belong, they are more likely to participate actively in school activities and engage with their peers and teachers.

A sense of belonging is crucial for students' emotional and mental well-being. When students feel connected to our school community, they experience lower levels of stress and anxiety. Belonging provides a support network, helping students navigate challenges and promoting overall happiness and mental health.

Students who feel they belong are more engaged in their learning. They are motivated to attend classes, participate in discussions, and strive for academic success. Belonging fosters a positive attitude towards school, which translates into better attendance, higher grades, and a greater enthusiasm for learning.



Aspiration is the drive to achieve goals and reach our fullest potential. It embodies the spirit of aiming high and striving for excellence in all aspects of life, from specific subjects to personal growth and community involvement.

Here’s why aspiration is a fundamental value for our school: aspiration motivates students to set high goals and work diligently to achieve them. It teaches the importance of having a clear vision for the future and developing the steps needed to turn that vision into reality. This value helps students understand that success is a journey requiring dedication, hard work, and perseverance. With aspiration, students learn to embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for growth.

Aspiration cultivates a love for learning and a curiosity about the world.

Students who aspire to achieve greatness often become leaders and role models. They take initiative, inspire their peers, and contribute positively to the school community. Aspiration drives students to make a difference, whether it’s through academic excellence, sports, arts, or community service.



Respect as a school value means fostering an environment where every individual is treated with dignity and kindness. It is about creating a culture of fairness, empathy, and inclusion.

By embedding respect into our school culture, we ensure that all students, and staff can thrive in a positive, supportive, and collaborative environment.

Respect is the cornerstone of a positive and safe school environment. When students and staff treat each other with respect, it fosters a culture of trust and safety. Students feel secure and comfortable, which enhances their ability to learn and participate in school activities.

Respect teaches students to consider and appreciate the feelings and viewpoints of others. This empathy helps build stronger relationships and reduces conflicts. By understanding and valuing different perspectives, students learn to collaborate effectively and resolve disagreements constructively.

A culture of respect ensures that all members of the school community are treated fairly and equally. It supports inclusivity by valuing diversity and rejecting discrimination. When respect is a core value, students from all backgrounds feel valued and included, which enriches the learning experience for everyone.

Respectful interactions contribute to a supportive learning environment where students are more willing to take risks and express their ideas. This openness enhances academic performance and personal growth. Students learn to respect not only others but also themselves, fostering a sense of self-worth and confidence.

Respect teaches students to be responsible for their actions and to be accountable to themselves and others. It involves understanding the impact of their behaviour on others and striving to act in ways that are considerate and fair.


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