Pupil Premium

Student success is not always directly linked to the amount of money spent. Money alone does not raise aspiration or increase life chances. 

In order for the Pupil Premium to be really effective in making a noticeable difference in students lives the choices that we at Kings Heath Secondary make in allocating the money are vital.

Funding needs to help raise student attainment and aspirations. The extra funding for the identified students? needs to be used in a focussed and considered way to enable it to help us raise standards across the whole school. This will have a direct impact on achievement for Pupil Premium students. We aim to provide better opportunities for our students across a range of academic skills. We also want to give the students the opportunity to develop life skills that will benefit them beyond education and be useful in their lives ahead. This will allow them to have the best foundation to be successful in the future.

As well as academic support Pupil Premium funding allows us to support students in their social, emotional well-being and physical/mental health when necessary. Students who are struggling in these areas may find this creates barriers to learning and achievement. Pupil Premium can help us to support students holistically in a range of individually tailored interventions.
The aim of the Pupil Premium is to narrow the gap for the students identified by the government as those with most need. With this in mind we use the Pupil Premium to help us to provide a number of different interventions and strategies that are targeted specifically at the needs we identify in our eligible students.

Pupil Premium allows us to support students in ways we feel directly raise aspiration and attainment and link closely to our ethos of "Raising the Bar.”


Useful Links

Pupil Premium Policy