GCSE Options

We enable our students to make well-informed choices about their own pathways and in making choices about their potential future destinations and careers through the multiple experiences they will have with employers, colleges and universities. These experiences will broaden their ambitions and ensure they have a clear and deep understanding of the learning and careers opportunities available to them in Birmingham, United Kingdom and the wider world.

Core Subjects

At Key Stage 4, which is years 10 and 11, all students study a core curriculum of:
  • English Language and English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Science (either Combined Science or Separate Sciences)
  • Physical Education
  • Personal, Social and Health Education


Students also have the opportunity to make choices at Key Stage 4 about the subjects they study at GCSE. We provide an annual Pathways event and information booklet, to give families all the information they need to make well-informed choices.

The subjects we currently have on offer include:
  • Art
  • Business Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Design Technology
  • Drama
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Religious Studies
  • Spanish
  • Urdu
  • BTEC Music
  • Cambridge National Sports Studies
  • Cambridge National Information Technology

Curriculum Documents

Document Title Date Download
ART LTP 2023 2024 26th Jul 2024 Download
Computer Science LTP 16th Aug 2024 Download
Computing Key Stage 3 LTP 16th Aug 2024 Download
Media Studies LTP 16th Aug 2024 Download
Urdu LTP 16th Aug 2024 Download
PE LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download
Cambridge National IT LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download
Technology LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download
Music LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download
LTP DRAMA 2023 24 26th Jul 2024 Download
English LTP 1 26th Jul 2024 Download
Technology LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download
Spanish LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download
French LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download
Religious Studies LTP 2024 25 1 26th Jul 2024 Download
Geography LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download
History LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download
Science KS3 LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download
Maths LTP 26th Jul 2024 Download