At Kings Heath Secondary, we believe that each student has individual and unique needs, and we strive to create a positive ethos which promotes inclusion of all students to achieve their full potential.

Each student’s current skills and level of attainment are assessed on entry. We use this data, with any other information from previous schools, to decide whether students require Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) support.

Through regular assessment, we are able to identify students who are making less than expected progress for their age and individual circumstances.

Where a SEND need is identified, steps will be taken to ensure that the student is able to access their learning and make progress. This may include:
  • Liaison with parents
  • Targeted in-school intervention
  • Advice and/or involvement from external agencies, such as Pupil and school support, Educational Psychology service, Speech and Language service etc.
  • Referral to external services, such as NHS services and Forward Thinking Birmingham

Students with SEND will be helped, challenged and supported throughout the curriculum by subject specialist teachers. They will also be helped and supported by our dedicated Learning Support Team. This is a team of highly trained Teaching Assistants who are committed and driven to helping students overcome barriers to learning and achieve their best. Students may be supported in lessons or invited to join intervention groups, depending on individual need.

Students learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) will be supported by specialist staff and quality resources. To help them develop their English language skills as quickly as possible, they will be offered a bespoke support package to enable them to participate fully in the curriculum and wider school opportunities.

More Information

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is, Ms Carroll.

She works with students, teachers, parents and external agencies to ensure that students’ needs are being met. Ms Carroll can be contacted at

She will be happy to make an appointment with you to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about SEN at The school.


SEND Policies

Our first response to supporting students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is to provide high quality teaching which targets a student’s area of weakness through a personalised and differentiated curriculum.

If a student still continues to make less than expected progress the Learning Support Team will assess whether the student has SEN. Any student identified as having a learning need will have at least one of four broad areas of need. This enables us to make sure we are taking appropriate action to support a student’s needs. On the following page, you can see the four broad areas of need and the interventions we put in place, as a school, to support them.

At The school we endeavour to ensure each student with SEN gets the support they need.

Subject teachers are responsible for the progress and development of students in their class, including the support given by Teaching Assistants or external agencies. High quality teaching, differentiated for student’s needs, is the first way we respond to students who have SEN. Additional intervention and support can not make-up for a lack of good teaching. To support this, teaching at The school is regularly reviewed. We have a thorough teacher training programme to ensure teachers understanding of strategies to support and identify vulnerable students and their knowledge of SEN is up-to-date. When a student is identified as having SEN we use a four-step process to ensure barriers to learning are removed and effective provision is put in place. This process is known as the ‘Graduated Approach’ and ensures that parents and students needs are at the centre of all provision provided.

At The school we have rigorous assessment procedures to ensure we are keeping track of student’s progress throughout their time with us.

Each term parents will receive a report on their son’s progress. Parents of students who are identified as having Special Educational Needs will be invited into school three times a year to talk about their son’s targets and review the progress he is making towards them. These meetings will be based around scheduled meetings planned in school such as Parents’ Evenings and Target Review Day. At least once a year, parents of students with SEN will be invited into school to attend their son’s annual review.

At The school we work hard to ensure that students with SEN engage in the activities of the school alongside students who do not have SEN.

We will try to make sure that students with additional needs are able to take part fully in school visits and events. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. In addition to the school curriculum, many subject areas run educational visits to enrich the experiences our students have. The school also runs an exciting enrichment programme, after school, where all students have the opportunity to broaden their experiences outside the curriculum. No student will be excluded from extra-curricular activities on the basis of SEN.

Ms Carroll will ensure that all necessary staff are aware of students’ specific special educational needs. She and the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, Rewards & Attendance work closely together to plan staff training throughout the year.

This thorough training programme ensures teachers understanding of strategies to support and identify vulnerable students and their knowledge of SEN is up-to-date. This training is run by school staff with specialist experience as well as by external agencies.

In our school when a student continues to make less than expected progress, despite support and interventions that are matched to their area of need, we will consider involving specialists or external agencies.

Whenever we think specialists should be involved we seek parents’ permission first. Following a meeting or assessment with a specialist we will share what was discussed and/or agreed with the parents and teachers of the student. If we feel a student needs more specialist help we can work with the people on the following page to get this.

The school will provide a report on their son’s progress every term. Where a student is receiving SEN support Ms Carroll will be in contact with parents regularly to talk about their son’s needs and the activities and support they will receive to help them make progress towards their agreed targets.

These discussions will help us identify the responsibility the parent, students and the school have towards the best outcomes for the student. We hope that these discussions will strengthen the impact of the support we give in school by increasing parental engagement. If we think a student with SEN needs extra support from outside specialists, parents will always be asked for their permission. Students will always be included in discussions about their needs, targets and progress. Students with SEN will always have a safe and inclusive area to go to within The school if they are not happy or have particular worries or concerns. Students with SEN will regularly attend intervention and social sessions in The Hub and will know Ms Carroll and the Teaching Assistants very well. Along with their Learning Development Manager, they will always have someone to talk to. This will ensure their views are heard and incorporated into their targets.

At The school we will always work closely with you to try and solve any worries or complaints you may have about your son. If you are not entirely happy you should contact the Headteacher, who will work with you to resolve the issue.

For further information please see our Complaints Procedure on the school website.

The governing body has a duty to ensure that the school adheres to the SEND Code of practice under the Children & Families Act 2014. This means that the school governors hold the Headteacher, Mrs Orton, and the SENCO, Ms Carroll, to account.

The governing body appoints a governor who is specifically responsible for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. One of the key responsibilities of the governing body is to make sure that the schools policy for students with SEND is published on the school website. This information must be reviewed annually by the governing body.
The governing body also has a responsibility to ensure that appropriate safeguarding procedures are in place for all students, including those with SEND. You can find these policies on our school website.

The governing body, through the SENCO, ensures that other appropriate agencies are involved in meeting the needs of students with SEN. The SENCO reports regularly to the governing body regarding the number of students and their additional needs.

The school works with schools, colleges and other settings to support students through transition from one educational setting to another.

If your son is moving from Primary to Secondary school, we will work with the SENCO and class teacher at his Primary school to ensure that we understand your son’s needs and can plan for them when he moves to us. Sometimes we will attend annual review meetings and specialist service meetings at primary schools to help us gather all the relevant information. We will also arrange extra visits to The school to help with your son’s transition. As your son approaches the end of his time at The school we will work with him to ensure he has high aspirations about employment and further education. Discussions about students’ futures will focus on what they want to achieve and the best way we can support them. Helping them consider the right post-16 option is part of this planning. In Year 10 our Careers, Information and Guidance Co-ordinator will support students to explore courses and places of study. In Year 11 the school will work to ensure students have firm plans for their post-16 options. Any information about previous SEN provision will be shared by the SENCO with the further education or training provider.

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