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Primary Transition

We are really excited that you have a place with us for September!

Transition from primary to secondary school can be an exhilarating time for many children. The opportunity to experience new subjects, new activities and make new friends at a bigger school is often met with great excitement. At Kings Heath Secondary we understand that whilst most students feel this way, some may experience nervousness at the thought of starting at a new, larger school. These feelings are completely normal.

Kings Heath Secondary strives to ensure all students feel supported in their transition process and that it goes as smoothly as possible. We have a team of experienced staff who are here to help you and your child.

Additional Support

For students who are identified as needing extra support, our SENCo Ms Carroll contacts each Primary school early in the process and will arrange meetings with students and relevant teams. This ensures that we have relevant knowledge of all students’ additional needs before we begin to engage with them on visits and can start preparing our provision for their arrival in September. We take a very personalised approach to planning our provision for SEND students and want each student to feel fully supported in their needs through the transition process and once they start at Kings Heath Secondary.
We will begin to get to know your child as soon as his/her place is confirmed.  An information pack will be sent out to you during May, which will also include a parent information evening date, where parents and students will have an opportunity to meet key members of staff. The uniform supplier will also be present at the evening so that you can see and try on the uniform before ordering.

More information

Mrs C Yorke - Assistant Headteacher:

Ms J Hewson - Year 7 Admissions Contact:

Ms Carroll - SENCo: