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At Kings Heath Secondary, we have high expectations for students regarding attendance and punctuality. We believe that consistently strong levels of attendance and punctuality are essential for student success.


Good Attendance

Attendance for each student is carefully monitored by the LDM, attendance officer and the form tutor to help students stay above the attendance target of 96%.

The government have recently made changes to attendance procedures and unauthorised absences during term time. We work closely with parents and carers to share this information and to support students to achieve the best attendance that they can.

Students are rewarded for good attendance and punctuality regularly through certificates, break-time treats, reward trips, form trophies and more.


When to Arrive

Students should arrive to school 8.25am, the first lesson starts at 8:30am. Please keep in mind that the school gates open at 8am, at which time students can use the library and The Hub to read, study or complete homework. Breakfast is also available to students from 8am in the canteen. Any students entitled to free school meals can have a free breakfast.


More Information

For enquiries related to attendance, please contact Ms Deans: