
Boys Uniform Girls Uniform
  • School jumper - navy with school badge
  • Polo shirt with school badge
  • Trousers - black (not jeans, combats, joggers)
  • Shoes – plain black shoes or trainers

Note: This uniform will be worn all year round.

  • School jumper - navy with school badge
  • Polo shirt with school badge
  • Skirt or trousers - black (not jeans, combats, joggers or leggings) skirts must be at least knee length
  • Shoes -plain black shoes or trainers

Note: This uniform will be worn all year round.

KHSS Boys Uniform FULL

KHSS Girls Uniform FULL



PE Uniform

  • School PE top - navy & light blue with school badge
  • School PE shorts or plain black shorts/tracksuit bottoms
  • School quarter zip top with badge (optional)
KHSS Boys Uniform PE FULL

KHSS Girls Uniform PE FULL



Uniform Providers

Mansuri Schoolwear

Clive Mark



You will need to bring the following items every day: 
  • Bag or rucksack which is big enough to fit an A4 textbook
  • Planner, which we will give you on the first day
  • Black/blue ink pens and a green pen for corrections
  • Pencil, ruler, rubber, scientific calculator