Remote Education

Kings Heath Secondary School is committed to providing continuity of education for its students in the event of school closure or students directed to stay at home to receive remote education.

The circumstances for remote education are varied, but can be broadly categorised into the following:
  • Whole school remote education
  • Part school remote education, such as a year group or class
  • Individual/small group remote education

Whole school remote education

In the event of whole school remote education all lessons will continue according to the school timetable with individual classes being taught by their normal teachers using the Microsoft Teams digital platform.

All students will receive, in addition to normal lessons, daily form time, which takes the form of scheduled communal assemblies (Mondays only) and additional morning briefings with Learning Development Managers (Tuesdays to Thursdays only).  On Fridays the day begins with PSHE lessons.

Part school remote education

In the event of part school remote education, such as the self-isolation of a class or year group, all lessons will continue according to the school timetable with individual classes being taught by their normal teachers using the Microsoft Teams digital platform.

All students, where possible, will receive in addition to normal lessons, scheduled communal assemblies and weekly wellbeing contact checks from the school’s pastoral team.

Individual/small group remote education

In the event of Individual/small group remote education, such as self-isolation, students will continue to receive daily lessons, where possible, continuing with their education alongside their usual class.

Additional resources

In addition to the Microsoft Teams live lesson experience all subjects upload resources to the school’s website for student access. This includes the complete curriculum for that week and PSHE and form time resources.

Expectations for Students, Parents and Carers

  • Students should attend all their lessons, including form time, assemblies and PSHE
  • Students are expected to uphold the same standards of conduct and behaviour during online learning as they would in the classroom and, as such, the school’s behaviour policy is applicable to both the school setting and remote education setting. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Ensuring appropriate language is used across all the mediums, including verbal, written and chat. This also includes any links to webpages or sources outside of the school
    • Ensuring attendance and punctuality at all online lessons informing the school of student absence using the absence protocols
    • Ensuring that students engage with their learning and complete all work set
  • Parents and carers should contact the school if their child does not have access to remote education
  • Students should only access the school’s digital platform, Microsoft Teams, using their school account. Access using personal accounts will not be permitted
  • Students and parents and carers have a responsibility to safeguard themselves and other users therefore all students and parents and carers should adhere to the school’s e-safety policy
  • The school’s e-safety policy must be read by parents and carers and students. This policy can be found on the school website under the ‘Learning and Teaching’ folder of the school policy section. This is a link to our section on policies
  • Any unauthorised copying of images, video or audio excerpts from the lesson by any student will result in disciplinary action. This includes copying images or excerpts of staff, students and the material, both video and audio
  • All Microsoft Teams live lessons are recorded by the school

More Information

For enquiries related to remote education, please contact Mr McMillan:

Remote Education Policy