Celebration Evening 2024

Celebration Evening 2024
16th Jul 2024

On Tuesday 16th July, with proud parents and staff in attendance we held our annual celebration evening, and what a celebration it was.

To kick off the evening, students and their families enjoyed a reception in the atrium and courtyard in the evening sunshine.
While staff and families mingled, took selfies and tucked in to delicious nibbles and drinks, they were entertained by a musical performance from our school rock band.

During the course of the evening various heads of department delivered short speeches to recognise the students that had best demonstrated Kings Heath Values through the course of the year before inviting them to walk the red carpet up to the stage to receive their prize in front of proud parents and staff.

Prizes were given from each faculty and each Head of Year, as well as additional awards for exceptional performance in creative arts, in sport and the ultimate accolade - the Headteacher's award. 

The evening was filled with humour, heartfelt messages, an inspiring speech thanks to our Head boy, Yusuf Matloob (he's getting very good at those), and a good time was had by all.

Thank you to event organiser and host, Ms Yorke for a fabulous evening, and thank you to the families who joined us.

Congratulations to this year's winners on your very well earned awards!

Rewards at KHS

Celebration evening is just one of the ways we reward good work and behaviour at Kings Heath Secondary. We have high expectations regarding attendance, behaviour and attitudes to learning and are delighted to encourage the best in our students through weekly rewards, letters home, pizza parties, end of term trips, rewards assemblies and more.
We love to applaud whenever we see students raising the bar.